I'm looking to run first cycle and am very interested in these, what should I run with and after taking these, if anything thanks
I'm looking to run first cycle and am very interested in these, what should I run with and after taking these, if anything thanks
MTS Support https://support.med-tech.pro
I'm 24 ,6ft 3 ,99kg im looking to Add more size and strength
I have moved these posts into the appropriate forum...
You will not achieve what you want using this product as your first cycle.
First cycle to achieve your goals
500-600mg test-e
300-600mg deca-300
30mg dbol (for 4 weeks)
done... simple and works.
AFter 12 weeks, you take a short break by using 250mg test-e as a TRT dose and then you blast back up again.
If you want to stop, taking HCG, CLOMID, and NOLVADEX. Do a search for PCT and you'll find out how to do it. I don't want to re-write the same things here.
MTS Support https://support.med-tech.pro
Good plan right here^^^but I wouldn't bother with pct as you will be fucking huge from that run and when you pct you will shrink big time so go with 200-250 cruise and you will keep a far chunk of what you gained...just a tought!