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The raw isn't "suspended" but is held in solution. A suspension is non dissolved particles that are visible and flowing freely in a liquid medium (think of a snow globe). A solution is solute (hormone powder) dissolved in a liquid which isn't visible to naked eye as the molecules of the solute fit between the molecules of the solvent (hormone dissolved in oil/bb/eo etc).
When it comes to a suspension, the powder inside isn't always homogeneous and can clump or just be floating more in a certain space of the liquid causing uneven distribution. When in a solution, such as our oil preparations, the distribution is homogeneous so there is equal parts of hormone in every bit of the oil. This means that the addition of sterile oil or any oil that isn't completely saturated (the oil can hold additional hormone, some use vet grade eq to dilute which is dosed 50mg/ml which is far from being at saturation point), the hormone(s) become equally distributed throughout the new solution. Thus for the example of 100mg/ml prop, the addition of sterile oil creates a new solution of 50mg/ml. If using another oil with hormones in it such as the vet grade eq, it would yield 50mg prop and 25mg eq per ml. Hope this helps explain the process a bit more.