AMAZING QUALITY!! I used 50-150 mg ED for just shy of 4 weeks as a powerlifter when injured tor retain some muscle tissue and strength and to gain it back
Worked great! lost no strength at all (I am running 500 mg test 500 mg deca from MTS too which are both amazing) 50 mg ED saw a drop in appetite, amazing pumps, back pumps and calve pumps while walking lol as well as fullness, 100 mg ED was more of the same with a noticeable jump in strength and power, 150 mg a day was just un real APPETITE CAME BACK WITH A VENGENCE LOL... water in the muscle AMAZING thickness and fullness STRENGTH exploded through the roof
Had some of the craziest workouts on this stuff, 100-150 mg ED gave me a sort of head rush feeling so sometimes I'd just drive to the Gym at 5 am wide awake and have the most ridiculous high volume workout ever with immense endurance and strength and end up vascular, red, pumped and wake up 8 hrs later still with a pump which lasted through till the next day
You wake up with a mild pump regardless