Epistane is an excellent prohormone for lean muscle gain, estrogen blocking and increasing libido.
Epistane (45-60mg/day):
- Slightly better mass builder
- Decent Strength
- Decent AI (Will help give you the dry look)
Anavar (100mg/day):
- Slightly better fat burner - studies suggest you'll keep more of the fat off too
- Might be slightly better for strength, but not much.
- Doesn't aromatise - you won't look as dry as epistane, but your joints will probably feel better because it doesn't double as an AI
- Easier on liver
Epistane is a dry mass gainer that will give you a lean, aesthetic appearance, increase strength and power, and can give you a whole new physique in just a couple of weeks. Epistane is known for giving it’s users a high quality look and can simultaneously add size while lowering body fat. Most people gain 6-10 lbs during a cycle of 4-6 weeks.
Epistane is a popular option to use while dieting, to assure that you keep your gains and strength while dropping weight.
Epistane also doesn’t convert to estrogen; this means no worries about bloating, gyno, or water retention! It has actually been reported to lower estrogen, but you should never use it as an AI.
Epistane has even been shown to reverse gyno and some use it as part of their PCT. These are all reasons why Epistane is considered such a popular prohormone and why people have been using it for years.
Usage guide: https://mtsboard.com/threads/616-Epistane-Guide