First post here, I've been lurking in the forums and checking everything out for a few weeks now, but was waiting until i got my first order to make a post lol. A little about my lifting background: I'm 19 and have been lifting seriously for about 1 yr. now. This will be my second cycle, the first only being Test e 500mg/wk. I have been using the blast/cruise method for the past 5 months. Currently 73kg bodyweight this morning. Last week I did conservative maxes on my lifts before I start this cycle and it went pretty well, got a 138kg squat, 183kg deadlift, 97kg bench press (bench has always been a weakness of mine, and i will be focusing on bringing it up this cylce ). I eat about 600c/225p/80f a day. Going to up my carbs by 25 a week if I am not gaining weight as I would like to. Hormones are as follows:
Test e 750mg/wk
NPP 450 mg/wk (MTS)
Anadrol 75 mg ed for four weeks (MTS)
Adex .25mg e3d
Going to run test/npp for 16 weeks and anadrol for the first four, then depending on how I feel i will either cruise or switch up compounds. I ordered some MTS EQ, but decided to wait on that because I have to get used to all the oil im already pinning atm haha.
I appreciate any critiques you guys have and I will be posting weekly updates
Here's a pic taken today after some squats and deadlifts