Nice and lean. Looking okay, but put more effort on chest and side delts, you want to get those delts up in particular.
You are tall? Seems tall. What's your blow up cycle plan?
MTS Support
Yes i'm 6'4. I'm thinking
tren ace 350mg ew
primo ace 350 ew
test prop 350 ew
drol 50mg ed
mast prop as needed
What would you suggest?
Last edited by neoclassical; 01-27-2015 at 05:55 PM.
I'm the same height. But I'm much bigger I believe.
This is my thoughts from my experience according to your cycle and dosage amount.
Tren Ace = GOOD... don't make it too high or you'll not gain weight.
Primo Ace = I don't believe you'll gain much... It's too low and I don't think it will achieve what you'll want even if it's higher
Test Prop = TOO LOW... as a tall and big guy, you need a shit load of crap in your body. With HGH, I would be pushing an easy 2000-2500mg/week. And I don't get boofy or fatty looking. I actually start losing size if I go under 1000mg/week
Drol = GOOD, but probably best to rotate every 4 weeks and I would do 100mg/day personally. But I normally do 50mg/day if I combine with DBOL
MAST = Don't need. Not for your lean bulk.
TEST, DECA, DBOL with low dosage TREN.... that's what I've been doing and it works. BUT => the number one thing that will gain mass and big time.... INSULIN and HGH.
Thanks for feedback. The highest I've ran test was 500mg ew and I looked like dog shit, but my bf% was more like 12%+ at that time so I'll consider kicking the test up. I've put high test out of my head until I start running GH (next 1-2yrs depending on salary) although I'm leaner now, so I may be able to pull it a little better.
MTS Support
have to agree with high test, running test at 1g for the first time and its doing wonders! whats your diet like bro? are you eating enough?