There has been a number of recent reportings of fake / counterfeit Med-Tech Solution products on the market. Predominately in Europe and South-East Asia.
To counter this and to help protect our good brand, we will release a new verification system in November 2015 to allow you to verify a scratched off serial number at the following address:
This serial number is unique and the system will track how many times the code has been verified to prevent fraudulent reproduction of the same code over and over. This will initially be implemented for standard and pro oil products.
You should note however, we are only able to guarantee authenticity for products directly sent through our own website. We cannot assure validity of products that have passed through 3rd party hands.
In addition,
** you can always compare your product with the images presented on this page
** fakes are missing the security features on vials and using cheap printed labels
** fake tablets are usually chalky white
** fake tablets usually have a plastic seal at the mouth of the bottle