Ok so I'm in my 2nd week of my new cycle of ANA-MASS 1ml / TEST-400 1ml and EQUION 1ml every 3 days, never tried any of these before as I usually just stick to basic TEST-E 1g a week and oral DIANABOL 50mg per day. I started taking Tamoxifen 3 days before my first pin as I had gyno issues in my last cycle. I should also state that I have been almost completely static for 5 - 6 months due to spinal arthritis. My weight had plummeted down to 12.5 stone so I needed a kick up the arse and the only way I can do that is if I run a cycle to help motivate me.

First couple of days back in the gym where soul destroying but my strength started to increase rapidly, I have never had strength gains that quickly from any cycle in the past, I do not look like I'm holding water at all like I normally do when using oral Dianabol (Moonface) so I am sold on the ANA-MASS it is the best blend of AAS I have ever used.

Still having issues of eating enough because when you don't do anything all day for months you completely loose your appetite, but weighed myself today and I have gained 10.5lbs, muscle mass is returning at an alarming rate. Want to thank MTS for your awesome products and how easily and fast the ordering process is.