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Thread: Npp cycle

  1. #21
    End of day 19 been taking 100mg npp ed,100mg test e ew and 60mg tbol ed. Not much to report been gaining strength while losing fat.
    Overall I feel really good. No negative sides yet.

    Should I up my npp dose to 125mg ed or should I just enjoy the slow and steady recomp?

  2. #22
    Stick to 100 mg ed now...that is a hell of a lot of nandrolone honestly

    Literally 300 mg a week deca adds 5-9 kg to me in about 5-10 days....went to 800 mg with 300 test no ai and was fucking gigantic....

    I seem to hyper respond to nandrolone

  3. #23
    I'm starting to feel lethargic after a few sets at the gym and my energy is low. Good thing I didn't up the dose.

  4. #24
    Deca does this. Check blood pressure.

  5. #25
    Bp shouldn't increase if there is not water retention... Right?

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Somebodystrong View Post
    Bp shouldn't increase if there is not water retention... Right?
    There are other mechanisms that influence your blood pressure outside of water retention.

  7. #27
    I'm guessing the lethargy is because of the lack of test and blood pressure being a bit high so for the last 3 days I used 100mg test e ed instead of the npp. And tips to further lower bp, I've been doing 20min cardio EOD and take .125mg letro twice a week

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Somebodystrong View Post
    I'm guessing the lethargy is because of the lack of test and blood pressure being a bit high so for the last 3 days I used 100mg test e ed instead of the npp. And tips to further lower bp, I've been doing 20min cardio EOD and take .125mg letro twice a week
    Do you take fish oil? You should take that daily. And when bp creeps take baby aspirin.

  9. #29
    I take cod liver oil do you think it does the same or should I take both

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Somebodystrong View Post
    I take cod liver oil do you think it does the same or should I take both
    Nope, cod liver oil is the same thing

    If BP does get of concern aspirin can help big time, I buy baby aspirin and I take one every second day, my BP is fantastic year round.

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