Hello guys! I have been using mts's products for the last year and giving the fact the they opened up the forum i decided to make a little journey diary of the Road into my first contest!

This is actually in exactly 15 weeks , wich is a good amount of time i believe giving the fact that i have been off everything for more then 2 months and need some time to get back my original size!

15 weeks out


Prot - 200/230g
Carbs - 375g
Fats - 65g

I am very very precise with my diet and i weight everything to the T , nothing gets by the eye! i even weight on spoon of peanut butter LOL , put the spoon on the scale , make the tare and weight 30 grams !


89.2kg atm (was 102kg at 12% bf at the end of my last blast , so i have plenty of size to recover)
Around 9-10% bodyfat atm


Started last week the following => 12 weeks out

Sust - 750mg/week
Tren Ace - 50mg/ED
Mast P - 50mg/EOD

I will work my dosages up but i also had only 1 vial of tren left and i reordered my goodies friday and waiting for them to arrive!

12 => 8 weeks out

Tren Ace - 100mg/ED
Mast Prop - 50mg/EOD
Sust - 750-1000mg/week
Saizen - 3ui/ED (can't afford more) but this will get the most out of my gear for sure

8 => 4 weeks out

Tren Ace - 100-125mg/ED
Mast Prop - 50-75mg/EOD
Test Prop - 50mg/EOD
Saizen - 3ui/ED

4 => 2 weeks out

Tren Ace - 100-125mg/ED
Mast Prop - 50-75mg/EOD
Test Prop - 50mg/EOD
Saizen - 3ui/ED
Anadrol - 100mg/ED

At the 4 week mark i will take out the test and the hgh and keep in the Anadrol , push the Masteron and keep steady the Tren!

Will update with new pics every couple of weeks !

Till then this is how i looked at the end of my blast! TheGift Road to First Show Jr-10474753_10203023668019518_1525481059638496976_n-jpg