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Thread: Coming off trenbolone

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  1. #1

    Coming off trenbolone

    I am now mentally exhausted honestly. Cannot sleep, hungry all the time, wake up multiple times a night....the carb cravings then eating donuts and cookoes and feeling shitty because you went +1000 over tdee.

    So yeah. Just realized I have been on trenbolone for like 9 months at varying doses. As low as 200 mg acetate as high as 1.2 g enth for a few weeks...usually around 350-700 mg a week.

    Cannot deal with it anymore.

    Never got sides from tren before until I added in eq. I frontloaded eq at 2.1 g and took it at 900 mg a week for 8 weeks. No problems...was on acete for this time. No real insomnia etc no massive hunger carb cravings waking up needing carbs to sleep again. Startee using enth where I have never had a problem with before 3 weeks ago at 500 mg a week. Cannot function anymore. Just constantly hungry. Will eat and 30-60 mins later be hungry. Cannot sleep. Sleep for 2 hrs then awake hungry massive carb cravings.

    Any idea what has caused this sudden unbearable change? Cannot live like this anymore. Sleep deprived to the point I can hardly concentrate craving carbs all the time.

    Since I am also coming off t4 and now probably fat am I gonna get if I est at calculated tdee or sligthly under? Possibly no thyroid function as well as no tren. Worked super hard to grt lean and I will be devestated if I grt fat again.

    How much of a role has eq had in the sudden skdes? absolutely no sides from it just awesome vascularity capped delts etc no raging hunger etc. Was pinnjng it 3x a week 900 mg as 300 mg a week but recently changed to 600 mg 1x a week, could this be causing the hunger?

    Feeling pretty shit right now. Really hope I can get some sleep. 5th night of insomnia now and I ate a load of cookies and stuff because i was hypo after training literally shaking tunnel vision at lidls so probably set my recomp back at least 4 or sl days. I know it sounds stupid but I am desperate to not get fat again...I worked too hard to get decently lean coming from a 47 inch waist.

  2. #2
    photos of your 47 inch waist please, that's seriously impressive in a weird way.

    sounds like you need a cruise and some bloodwork and some rest mate! good luck with it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by grotereber View Post
    photos of your 47 inch waist please, that's seriously impressive in a weird way.

    sounds like you need a cruise and some bloodwork and some rest mate! good luck with it.
    This. I don't see a reason to be in tren that long unless competing and doing photo shoots. I get burnt after about 8 weeks. Just cruise for a bit and get everything back in order. Save the hormones, save the money, save your health.

  4. #4
    I agree serotonin. Don't know why I ran it so long. Just petrified of being a fatass again which was why I stayed on it I think.

    The way people treat you when like that is horrific. You are lonely all the time. If you eat in public you get glares...especially if junk food.

    Does anyone else get huge carb cravings on tren?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Powertard View Post
    I agree serotonin. Don't know why I ran it so long. Just petrified of being a fatass again which was why I stayed on it I think.

    The way people treat you when like that is horrific. You are lonely all the time. If you eat in public you get glares...especially if junk food.

    Does anyone else get huge carb cravings on tren?
    Yep. Carb cravings only happen when dieting for me though. All I want is sweet stuff and chips

  6. #6
    I have much less carb cravings on tren when I watch my fat intake and have it at minimum 50grams per day
    with low fat diets I crave carbs all the time and have big ups and downs in energy
    that also depends on tren dose
    100 mgs per day of tren ace more cravings than 100 mgs eod

  7. #7
    How much of a role would 600 mg of eq a week be contributing to me being constantly hungry?

  8. #8
    Off the Trenbolone and eq now just on 300 mg a week test.

    Well.. off for 4.5 days last jab being 250 mg tren e 300 eq so there is still a bit of tren in me and still a good amount of eq in me. Eq will be in me for a 2-3 weeks at a dose which will be anabolic even sligthly but tren will be in there for another few days or a week more at a dose which is significant.

    Interested to see what will happen! Cannot wait to be able to sleep solid, not be hungry all the time, have less anxiety and not be out of breath doing cardio!

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