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Thread: Off season Nan-sus/Dbol

  1. #1

    Off season Nan-sus/Dbol

    Height-5ft 11

    Just a little product review of my current situation 10 weeks into my off season cycle. Currently running Nan-sus at 2ml per week with 5 weeks of 50mg dbol ed as a kick start. Many thanks to bigdaddy for all the advice and help throughout. I understand this may be seen as an under dosed course to some but i stick to advice of 'baby doses' offered by bigdaddy!

    As a review i find MTS dbol amazing!! At 50mg ED pumps have been amazing whilst training within a matter of days, the growth rate is something i've never witnessed before and within around 10 days i could see the product in full effect!
    I have previously cycles with the bignfull mix from mts, this is the first try on the nan-sus product. 10 weeks in and i have seen great results from this..... full, bigger, more vascular and amazing pumps/motivation whilst training!

    Just thought i would give my quick take and experience so far of my cycle. I understand some may have negative feedback on dosages ect but so far i can see great results and extremely happy with the products. Thanks MTS.

    Off season Nan-sus/Dbol-img_4291-1-jpg

  2. #2
    Looking good my friend. Nice solid shoulders and chest. Bravo. Proving not all of us youngins are dumb asses. I'm glad you heed the advice of experienced people as I see too many young guys blasting huge doses. This is proof not much is needed to grow when everything in on point.

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