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I just finished 5 months of medtropin and I took a low doses of 2iu ed for a soild month and results better sleep and recovery but nothing that ZMA would do. So then I took it up to 3iu ed for another month but same results.
over the next 3 months I used 4-6iu by doing 3-4 days in a row then taking 2 days off and results ok but like again not dramatic.
I must say that it has improved my lower spine around my L4 L5 so the healing properties have been good.
If I used it again I would run 6-8iu a day as I feel being generic it is not as potent as pharma grade.
I have used pharma before and only at 1iu ed and got better results then I did taking medtropin. now at the price it cost to run 8iu of med I would rather take a lower dose of pharma for the same cost to get better results.
So over all happy with my use of medtropin but if running hgh again I would put my cash on pharma grade to make the most of it.
you can't judge accurate IU measurements of HGH just by feeling.... and then start comparing them.
do a serum and igf test and then come back. I have given 4 guys 8 free kits in total to test the jintropin we've got here to prove the quality. It measured the same serum and IGF levels of other FDA approved hgh... but you always get someone saying that genotropin is better blah blah... but the tests show a lot more than just what someone thinks the effectiveness is just by feeling.
MTS Support
Too true.
testing serum levels is he only way to tell if a product is effective.
Although a review on a product by way of use is also provides feedback that others can read and make up their own minds. After my use of generic I am leaning more towards pharma grade use then generic. That is not to say I would not use generic again I may but it isn't all bad as I was happy with the product.
Generics will always be less powerful than pharma ones OFC! But you have to evaluate costs and benefits.
If your plan Is to use HGH to get lean i would go for Generics, used Riptropins and Hygetropins and was ok but nowadays It hard to find the real ones.
If you plan to grow with HGH then i would AIM for Jinlei. I will use HGH to push more roids inside a cycle, 10 ui day 2,5ui every injection.
HGH Is a game changer anyway, but AIM for a 6months cycle then choose what you want to do. Taper It up every week 1 2 3 4 5 maintain for 6 months. Therapies with HGH are better...even general life Is.
See, here it feels as though ironmaster is making assumptions about medtropin, when he first started taking it if you read earlier he compares to pharma grade and said there is absolutely no difference and is a game changer, now the tone is changed and its just an average generic? I've used medtropin and ive been the biggest I've ever been, I wouldnt say its pharma grade level but its the next best thing
Ok I will clear up my first statement. I did notice better sleep within a week of taking it hence the comparison to pharma but the results did not increase the longer I stayed on. With pharma the results just got better with time without increasing the dose. felt like I had hit my early 20s again. eg bodyfat levels improved and just felt good. with medtropin sleep was improved as compared to pharma and my worn out low back improved but bodyfat levels did not improve that is why I said if using it again I would just go straight to 5iu I just feel for general health and longevity you will reach these targets with a good 2iu dose of pharma without ever having to increase dose. so in the long run cost wise I think it would be less expense