does adding HGH into the blood reduce tren side effects like fatigue, insomnia, etc?
does adding HGH into the blood reduce tren side effects like fatigue, insomnia, etc?
Honestly... I don't think so. I've used Jintropin and Norditropin for years. Always feel like shit on tren including tired, can't sleep well etc.
MTS Support
Mr. Big, will adding T3 help with fatigue on tren?
MTS Support
hgh helped me with getting better sleep....low test high tren always worked well for me...lesser side effects.Also taking the shots early in the morning away from sleep timing helped a lot.
I'm going to go with yes. Tren and no gh and I barely sleep, tren and gh I sleep like a baby
Alternately you could also stack l arganine pre sleep & upon waking up to boost youre hgh up.If youre below 25 no need for hgh.L arganine also does a good job of releasing hgh.