Sup guys,

I've been injuried for the last 2 months and lost a serious amount of muscle mass and strength due to not being able to train properly and heavy enough.

Looking for cycle advice on what to run in order to get back in shape fast.
Looking for lean quality muscle gain along with strength gains.

Thats what i was thinking of so far:
- Test E 450mg / week
- deca 300mg / week (just for the joints)
- Tren E 600-800mg / week
- Methyl-tren 1mg 3x per week

Quick question on the methyl-tren, haven't run it yet, is 500mcg sufficient for a pre workout boost or should i go with 1mg?
also regarding the toxicity of methyltren, how long would you run the methyltren at this dose and frequency?

Thanks in advance and best regards from germany!