Hi guys
this is a follow on to my NABBA show 2016 I had dexa today and 11weeks ago I was 23% bf now I am at 16% bf a far cry from contest ready that is why I will not be doing the show. with 7 weeks to go I just wont make it.

If you want to see how I am looking check out the pic from the contest post.

I am now on a roll and at 18 weeks out at 23%bf it was always going to be a hard call. ATM in those 11 weeks I did gain back 9kg of muscle and lost 6kg of fat so yes MTS products work.
Gaol now is to get down to 10%bf while still increasing muscle mass. Back in the day when I was at the top of my game my offseason readings on dexa scan 10%bf broken down to 10kgfat 80kg muscle atm I am 16%bf 15kg fat 75kg muscle so as you can see I am almost back to my best not bad since I have not thought about competitive bodybuilding for the last 10years. I will make it back to the stage it is just going to take alittle longer.

Cycle atm
1ml MT200 EOD
50mg tbol ed
50mg var ed
50mcg T3 ed
120mcg clen 5on 2off

AOD peptide 500mcg before bed