I have some loyalty points to use with MTS and won't be competing for at least 6 months so might as well use them. I am just over two weeks out

Basically I have the following

Shredded (5ml left)
Supertren (7ml lef)
Test prop ( 7 ml left, would pull this 12-10 days out but maybe could extend that a few more days)
Mast prop (due to run out of this soon - about 4ml left)
Methyl Trien (pre workout - got enough to run 1ml pre workout for rest of cycle)
Helios (have another week's worth, then switch out and run clen)
Clen (I have cycled it through prep, currently a week off then last two weeks run it at 80mg when helios runs out)
Halo (enough for 50mg a day)
Winnie (90mg ED)
5ml of tren ace left

I got enough Lasix, aldactone, t3.

Literally I have beem running 40% of the gear this year than I did last year, but last six weeks we have ramped it up....

Any suggestion of anything on MTS worth adding in? I don't care, it's 17 days until show, I stop jabbing in 12 days time, then I am coming totally off everything for a minimum of 6 weeks. So I am open to suggestions to add anything in...Obvs I know there is a minimum order, but I know others who will want other things to make up the minimum order.

This is my condition a month out, I am 75kg and I am competing at u70kg bodybuilding Last 2.5 weeks before show - open to suggestions-4-weeks-jpg