Low test High Tren is very good! Keep E2 at low level so even if you eat a lot of carbs, they won't spill out.

Since what you are doing is a Recomp, so basically you are building and destroying.

Noticed now that your diet is basically FAT orientend, NPP/Deca works really well with FATS, better than Tren. Tren needs some more carbs, and if you eat carbs you will loose less fat.

At this point you should figure out an half way.... I would give a try to LEANGAIN DIET here is the calculator:http://sareyko.net/leancalc/#/g=male...20/p=2.5/e=NaN

These are my values:
Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Rest Days 193 g 106 g 141 g 2,469 kcal
Training Days 193 g 550 g 81 g 3,704 kcal

I have noticed that you are a meat eater like me, so you have to adjust the proteins/kg in calculator.

Anyway for a Recomp at this point you can choose an AAS approach of:
150-200mg Test - 500mg Tren A - 350mg NPP + (forwater control 350mg Proviron)

Wait for Masteron use it always at low bf, i tell you this because i'm at your same BF atm and you can't see his magic. All DHT steroids works wonder only on low BF.
NPP is good for joints ok, but MAINLY for MASS! It will give you a full look. I won't choose Equipoise for a recomp since it will fuck your hungry.

I'm a fan of BLENDS, but for RECOMP you have to have the TREN do the whole WORK and other roids to just support him, so it will be better for you to as start PIN Tren A starting from low dose (350mg) and upping it every 2 weeks (when it's stabilized) then after 2 weeks up to 400! 2 weeks 450! 2weeks 500! 2weeks 550! 2 weeks 600! etc etc etc 2 weeks 700! Oh shit i can't sleep, i piss stones, i would kill everyone and stay alone in a corner because i hate the world! STOP pinning it for 3 days, restart with your protocol for 650mg for other 2 weeks and see how it goes.

Ok now you have your sweet TREN A spot let's say 600mg? you can switch to Tren E for less injections 600*0,87/0,7=745mg Tren E so let's say 700 better not to abuse on long esters.

Tren can be run by bloodworks ofc or if you taper it up even for more than a year, because dose, grows with you (more or less) more muscles = more AAS than you can handle.

RECOMP, BULKING, CUT are always a marathon, AAS will help us on building muscle, diet on building muscles and loosing fat, so aim for a nice diet, and for an AAS protocol NOT overdosed, stay under 1-1,5g of gear.

If you want to make things a but simpler for a recomp, i would just go like that:

TEST E 250-500mg + 100mg Deca + Adex or Aromasin + T3 50mcg + Clen ed 60mcg blast 500mg TREN A (8 weeks on 4 weeks off)
Only the TREN A will be added ON/OFF, when low bf put MASTERON, or run 4 weeks of WINSTROL 50mg ed.

Sorry but ENGLISH is not my first language i hope you understand my little bible