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Thread: Idea's for a new Pro oil combination.

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaxino View Post
    Test / Mast combo would be really nice!!

    Also Tren A + Primo A
    ..with a little variation
    Tren Ace 100 mg
    Primo Ace 100 mg
    Test PP 30 mg

    1 ml ED. Nothing else, nothing to add

  2. #12
    Lmfao dude. There's a thing called lean gain its 75 tren 75 mast 50 prop. If you think a 5/5 change on the mg of tren and mast and 10 less test is a game changer. I have bad news for you sir.

  3. #13
    yes, I have tried lean gain with pro mt 200. great result.

    But the point is "Idea's for a NEW Pro oil combination.".. and Primo is not Masteron ;-)

  4. #14
    Id like to see
    200 deca
    200 primo
    Would definitely buy 100s of mls.

  5. #15
    I'm thinking that they should invent a non-progestinistic trenbolone.

    Or dissolve 2mg cabergoline along with tren

  6. #16

  7. #17
    test/primo and if its possible with EQ to save some ML's!

    off topic: maybe introducing SARMS to mts?

  8. #18

  9. #19
    I'm a terrible test responder.
    I'd seriously love..
    Tren A/NPP

  10. #20

    1. Test No Ester in Oil 50-100mg Standalone
    2. Test No Ester with Dbol blend
    3. Test No Ester with Mtren blend
    4. A DHT Injectable like Stanolone or a oral like Methyl-DHT -badly missing a real DHT product!
    5. DHB Dihydroboldenone Cypionat Injectable

    Throw out some of the Bolde high dosed Blends for that...see no reason for example for a Bolde U/Tren A Blend? Who wants that? For what?

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