Hello MTS Elders,

since I've never taken steroids before, I wanted to start off with something, that can give me decent gains, with the least side effects, so my body can adapt easier and wanted to feel good on training days.

Current Blast:

Test En- 700mg/week
Epistane 45mg/ED


150g -200g Proteins
200g- 300g Carbs
3g Fish Oil
3g HMB
3g Vitamin C
Cycle/Liver support.

Stats now:


It's been 3 weeks now, I gainer 15lbs, strenght and libido skyrocketed, never felt better in my life, being a natty for 10 years.

I had planned to take Test for 12 weeks and Epistane for 6 weeks, cruise for 6-8 weeks, then start a Test En/Tren Ace cycle. Learning more, as time goes on, I've have been wondering, If I should proceed, as I planned it out or maybe add something or even prolonge the blast, because I feel like there is more gains I'll be missing out on. Should I maybe increase the test or introduce the tren ace sooner. I don't want to get crazy though, cuz of the side effects, since my body is basically "virgin" to steroids. Maybe I can share some pics.

Thank you a lot!