Currently on a cycle of test prop 150-200 tren hex 450 mast 300.
Had used t-3 at 100mcg 2 weeks on 2 weeks off along with ephidrene for a few weeks after which i changed over to albeutrol as a burner.
Bodyfat in single digits but overall looks flat.Would adding shreadded for the last 3 weeks preshoot help?test also needed when using shreadded for the last 2-3 weeks away from shoot?-fullsizerender-jpg
should i be completely replacing all compounds with shreadded only? If so do i need to add any form of test with shreaded? Or is it a wise idea not to change things and add .5ml of sheraded everyday on this cycle only?
test also needed when using shreadded for the last 2-3 weeks away from shoot?-11540909_1143932832289878_7095783862685681907_n-jpgtest also needed when using shreadded for the last 2-3 weeks away from shoot?-10348467_1071411096208719_3743382632511165019_n-1-jpg
I want to be leaner than last year along with being full