Hey everyone,
Haven't posted here in a very long time but I've been lurking, browsing and learning pretty much every day. Gonna make the effort to be a little more active now.
Anyway, I'm 21 years old and 5 weeks out from my next show. Was supposed to compete last year but some issues with enlisting into the military forced me to scrap that plan.
Picture was taken after 45 minutes of LISS fasted cardio upon waking. Morning weight is fluctuating somewhere between 84kg to 85.5kg these days.
Currently using the most amount of gear I've ever taken in my life, started off with just 1ml x Med Mutasion every day but I recently threw in 1ml x Shredded mixed with a few other MTS orals every day. Gonna cruise for the rest of the year after I'm done with this, at most throw in some 300mg of Deca to make use of the rebound and grow if blood work permits.
Anyway, gear totals as of now:
200mg x EQ ED
100mg x Primo ED
125mg x Tren Ace ED
125mg x Mast Prop ED
50mg x Trestolone ED
1mg x Methyl Tren ED
100mg x Winstrol ED
100mg x Anavar ED
25mg x Halotestin ED
50mcg x T3 ED
80mcg x Clen ED
1mg x Arimidex EOD
At about 3 weeks out I will increase Halo to 45mg. Planning to run everything, including injectables, all the way through the show.
Diet wise I started in March with high carbs, moderate protein and low fats. As of now, my macronutrient breakdown is as such:
50g x Carbs
370g x Protein
30g x Fat
Food sources are mainly sutchi fillets, broccoli, and either white rice or some simple sugars pre and post workout. I am not using insulin; just playing around with carb sources to see what gives me a better pump.
Training wise I am on a push/legs/pull split. Cardio is at 45 minutes fasted every morning. Am thinking of whether I should throw in another session in the evenings just for these last few weeks.
I know my legs are the weakest point, and I've been trying very hard to bring them up. I've been suffering from shifted kneecaps and recently (just a few months ago) went through surgery to remove my kneecaps. As such, I haven't been able to do free bar squats and likely won't be until a good part of next year when I'm done with rehabilitation and physiotherapy. I've been trying to compensate by increasing overall volume on my leg days via machines and putting in more focus on tension and controlling my reps and so on. Any ideas on what else I could try would really be appreciated.
I currently have no plans to use any diuretics as I'm not experienced with those, but I am open to the idea if anyone is willing to teach me. I don't plan to do anything fancy for peak week, maybe just deplete as per normal then start carb loading the Friday before and Saturday through the show.
Any advice, especially with regards to peak week, will be very much welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully I won't screw up come show day.
UPDATE 30 July, 2016:
Just wanted to update everyone... I'm about 3 weeks out right now, weight this week was somewhere between 80.6kg and 81.8kg. Thinking about whether I should try to suck down for u75kg because the weigh in is on 18 August at around 7pm while the actual show is on 20 August and I step on stage around 1:30pm. Just quite wary because for my previous (and first) competition I tried sucking down too by abusing the sauna and it ended up quite badly where I wasn't able to fill out and was crazy flat on stage and I don't want to make the same mistake again. If I don't try to push it I'm guessing I'll end up somewhere around 76kg or 77kg come show day. If anyone wants to know, I'm about 173cm/174cm or 5'8 and a half.
UPDATE 9 August, 2016:
About 11 days out today. Weight somehow went up to between 83kg to 85kg despite food and cardio staying the same.
UPDATE 12 August, 2016:
About a week out now, depletion starts on Sunday. Carbs have been at 0g for quite awhile now and will likely be until Thursday night after my weigh-in. Of course, that may change depending on how I look seeing as I don't plan to try to make weight at all. I started water loading about two days back, where water is at 12 litres now.