doing another show to see if I can improve from last year look before nationals this year. had an injury and couldn't train for 6 wks so ive been back training for 2 wks but really focused and determined to have a better showing. looking at stepping on stage in 7wks. bodybuilding and for the first time classic physique
will only be using MTS for this prep.
current wt: 178
food: 200g protein, 130-150g carb, 25g fat.. will adjust based on changes to physique
eq - 500 wk
tren - 100 eod (will up next wk to 500mg)
test enth - 500 wk
mast - 100 eod
will add clen, t4/t3, next wk
pics to come, will update weekly
attached pics is the look I'm trying to beat