Right guys finally time is here to run my summer cycle preivous cycle was a simple lean gain 1ml eod for 8 weeks and andvar last 4 weeks all mts product very impressed with delivery packaging and product.

So my next cycle first pin was yesterday 1ml test e 1ml equimax - in the same syringe test e was smooth eq was hard to draw an more sticky - overall pin was pain free just bit more pressure required for the eq.

1-3 test e - 2ml
3-16 - test e 1ml
1-16 - equimax 2ml
6-14 Tren e 1ml
10-16 t3 and clen
12-16 andvar 50mg -75mg

Everything is from med tech

Airmadex on hand might get some carb

Clomid Nolva

Stats 32 yrs old
80kg bf 18-15%

5 day gym split each body part per day 2 days rest
Cardio 25 low intensity

Diet -
Breki - 6 eggs 4 whole 2 whites
Snack - 2 tins tuna salad white rice
Snack - 6 eggs omelet
Lunch - chicken breast white rice
Dinner - white rice chicken 2 thighs

3-4 litres of water per day

Goals are to trim down bf close to 11-12% and pack on some more clean size.

All comments advice criticisism more than welcome.

I will try and keep a log and post pics on a regular basis.