Hello guys! A couple months back MTS gave me the opportunity to share my progress and experience with the MTS products. So I thought it would be nice to share my progress and reviewing the compounds of MTS i used in the past months.

Unfortunately because of the lockdown in the Netherlands i wasn’t able to workout in a proper gym and only did home workouts with minimal equipment. But i made it work! Since April gyms opened outside, i was able to workout proper and i started a cut.

Stats around January 2021 - March 2021
26 years
1,85 m
Bodyfat 10-12%

During this time i did a blast with the following MTS products:

Specific MTS compounds:
Big N full

WEEK 1-12: Test mix 800mg EW
WEEK 1-12: EQ 900mg EW
WEEK 1-12: Deca 400mg EW
WEEK 1-12: MK677 (25mg ED)
WEEK 1-6: Anadrol (50mg PWO)

I gained about 7kg on this blast, since April i started the following:

Specific MTS compounds:
Triple EN

WEEK 1-8: 400mg Test e
WEEK 1-8: 400mg Tren e
WEEK 1-8: 400mg Mast e
WEEK 1-8: 4iu HGH
WEEK 1-8: 20mg Yohimbine hcl (Fasted cardio)
WEEK 5-8: 40 / 60 / 80 mcg Clen

Currently at 99kg and i really good shape.

In the last few years i’ve participated a few bb competitions. The last 2 i won my class (classic bb). But to be competitive at a higher level i need to up my game.

I am planning on doing my next show next year I will therefore use the coming period to put on as much mass as possible.
What i can say about MTS is that the service with regard to mailing and sending the gear is really well arranged!

Also professionally packed, which means that the chance that customs will intercept the parcel is extremely small.

I’ll be logging my training, food, cycle and shape updates in the upcoming road to my next competition prep if you guys are interested.

If anyone has any questions or suggestions please let me know