Hello everyone!

Something really wonderful happened to me today. It has made my week!
Recently I was scammed of £160 from a guy "selling" me Genotropin pens. It was a very elaborate scam and I fell for it.

I told bigdaddy about it and he told me a story of how he got scammed and how it made him feel.
Around this time I placed an order for Test, deca, trestolone ace and arimidex. Today I got the parcel and thought as I opened it "Hmm, this is a big parcel, did I make a mistake when ordering?"

Inside the parcel is a stealth package and 4 MTS vial containing boxes. "Odd, I didn't order anything stealth. I'd better contact Bigdaddy and say something with the dispatch has gone wrong" I looked at the boxes. 3 blue "standard" and 1 orange "pro series". "Test, deca, med-ment and wait what?" there was no label on the last blue box. I flipped it around to double check. I then opened the box super carefully and a vial of clear liquid was inside. "What is thi-" "...this is bac water" then it hit me. "No way!" I shouted and I opened the stealth package and there is a kit of medtropin inside there! I freaked out and shouted "NO WAY!" again.

Went online and thanked Bigdaddy and Mr Big with a paragraph describing my feelings and then reconstituted a vial. 10 IU vial so reconed it with 1 ml of bac water. I drew up 0.4 ml,4 IU, and injected it in my delt, put the kit inside the fridge then went back to bed (was tired as hell, did shift security work and was up until 5:30am)

Woke up from a long sleep. I am usually interrupted in my sleep and this was the first time I slept through the noise outside for solid few hours. Even slept through a neighbour banging on my door to borrow something.

I woke up with a pump. My muscles everywhere and especially in my arms felt tight against my skin and full. I woke up and jumped out of bed feeling great. Looked in the mirror and I just look big and full and thick. I did take 50 mg dbol and 50 mg adrol before bed but I have done this 5 times before and never got anything like this.

I got dressed and put on my shoes then headed outside for a walk to the shops to get food. For the first time in a long time, my knees weren't very sore and my ankle which I hurt was feeling better. My injured shoulder felt better as well. My knees etc still are sore but not as sore as usual.

As I was walking, I got the most immense pump in my legs and calves and generally my entire body got a pump. I ended up waddling then had to stop and sit on a bench as I literally couldn't move. I rolled up my tracksuit bottoms to massage my calves and they were literally red. My entire lower leg was a red tint. My calves looked far bigger than usual.

Got my shopping and was carrying it and the carrying of the shopping caused a full body pump.

Walked past a guy who I know and he laughed and said "Fuck, you are too hench mate" and I walked down to my house and started cooking.

I am so thankful to MTS for this. They did this as a pure favour to help me. This is how much they care and value their customers. AMAZING!! What other company in general, white market company, would send a customer £150 of goods because they dealt with another company and their customer got done over so as a kind gesture they give them a matching priced product for free that they ordered from a competitor? I cannot think of one. Mindblowingly generous and kind.

Bigdaddy also has offered to expose the scammer and even try and find more info on him and her to help me. How awesome is that? What other company do you know would do that for you? MTS has given me the best customer experience of ANY company I have ever dealt with, white and black market, by FAR.

Also the stealth packaging is exceptionally good, even I was fooled by it for a moment as I saw it in the parcel through the bubble wrap and thought the post man had delivered my neighbours stuff tome by accident!

Absolutely over the moon.

Would be hard pressed to find me happier right now. A man I don't know has given me the greatest gift of all, the chance of repairing my injuries and becoming healthy and pain free again. Not even my own mother would do this for me and here is someone I have never met doing this and being that kind.

Will be doing daily updates

11/10 MTS!