It's not in stock but will be soon anyone used the MtS halo? What dose and results
It's not in stock but will be soon anyone used the MtS halo? What dose and results
Tested using LabMax and came back good. I used it before and the results were good. Took 30mg/day halo starting 4 weeks leading up to the comp day. Awesome muscle quality.
That's aweosme I'll definitely grab some when it's back in stock. Probably just the plain halo
I've used the HALOVAR for 3 weeks at 2 tabs a day. Top notch results. Looked like my skin was made of granite.
That's what I want to hear can't wait to use it just need it back in stock soon lol.
Any news when halo will be back in stock guys?
As I've mentioned on numerous occasions it's in the process of being made in Mexico.
You can't get it anymore unless you have contacts.we have a guy who only makes to order because of the cost 10,000 kilo,so its a matter of sitting and waiting I'm keeping my fingers x it will be in my hands within 4 weeks.
Yeah sorry to mention it again lol. My competition is in 6 weeks today maybe I can get it in time for last week at least
Big fan of Mexican Stenox!! I lust after it but alas it is rarer than.. well..
something very, very rare lol
I hope MTS will compare!
thats good news
been looking everywhere for halo lol
will defnfintly pick some up when its around