Got 6 more weeks to get to 12% bodyfat, recovering fatass powerlifter doing bodybuilding.

In a 500-800 calorie deficit. Been dieting for 2.5 weeks now. Have top four abs, "V Lines", serratus showing a little. Forearm veins prominent, bicep veins coming in. Not sure where I am bf % wise atm.

300 mg test enth/w
100 mg tren ace ED
50 mg ED mast prop
Was on 1 ml tri bold (300 mg total boldenone) Mon Wed Fri but PIP became an issue, waiting for it all to settle down and will try again with adding GSO at 1:1 ratio. Already lost a tonne of size from stopping the boldenone and it wasn't even fully kicked in by FAR. Really sucks, results are AMAZING from the tri bold. Really want to keep using it. Will resume use Tuesday, hopefully, with the 1:1 cut with GSO.

Want to add in 50 mg Tbol, thoughts? Looking to add dry size, hardness and fullness. Either that or 20 mg superdrol.

4 IU ED medtropin
100 mcg ED T4

2.2 g/Kg-2.5 g/Kg protein mainly from grass fed beef, egg whites, some whey and casein here and there as well as fish such as cod, salmon, mackerel. Other prot sources include oats and rice which is eaten with the stuff like beef, eggs etc.

Carbs vary... not usually lower than 200 g/d. Not usually higher than 350 g/d.

Fill the rest with fats, usually healthy ones.

Try and hit 2 g sodium and potassium a day.
Lots of vegetables, lots of fibre, lots of omega 3, little omega 6. No transfats and little refined sugar.

2800-3000 kcal a day total.