Little update on my first CRUISE/BLAST.

Started the 12th of Jan at 1000 cals (86kg) after 14 days (83kg mainly glycogen was lost) i have upped cals to 2400 (after 1 week was 91kg) on non training days 2700 on training days (only added a PWO shake with Dextrose, Prots, 1 Banana), with just 1000 cals can't even train properly... i was flat and weak.

Since 3 weeks my RECOMP BLAST is: 50mg eod Testo P, 100mg eod Tren A, 100mg eod NPP, 50mg Proviron ED, 2 Adex EW, 60mcgs Clen eod.

I'm thinking to switch NPP to Masteron P 100mg eod as soon as my BF will drop, or to Primobolan Acetate 100mg ed.
Scale is always fixed at the same value after 5 weeks... maybe i'm doing something wrong with diet? I train 4 times a week 1h-1h and half, no cardio.

My stats 1,82m 91kg 15% bf 34y old.
I'm eating 250g prots (egg whites for breaksfast, chicken breasts, whey iso only PWO), 250g carbs (rice), 45g (2 eggs for breakfast, olive oil, sunflower oil), i'm always hungry :'(