Height: 182 cm
Weight: 92 kg
Body Fat %: 15%
How many calories per day do you eat? 2500
How many times per week do you train? 4
How long have you trained for? 10 year
Previous cycle experience? 2 years cycling
Desired goals: go to single BF then explode, my goal would be to stay as lean as possible all year 8-10% and grow

These are my goals, can please someone give me advices? In January i started my cut with 2500 cals (200c 200p 100f), but was a complete waste of time didn't get anything good.

Atm i'm eating 50g carbs 320g prots 40g fats (mainly from omega3 pills), 6 meals a day the only meal where i eat carbs is post wo 50g dextrose +50g PeptoPro with 7IU Humalog. I also do 30-45 mins cardio all day fasted in the morning.

My cycle atm is 5IU HGH (Hygetropin black tops)+1ml LEAN GAIN eod + 0,5 ml Tren A eod + 1ml Winstrol ed + 50mg Proviron ed + 1 Adex ed +25mcg T3. All products from MTS.

Have also 3 vials of SHREDDED ready. I tried doing everything by myself, but tbh results are not that good.

How should i improve? My diet is ok?

Please help