Sweating on dnp is not a bad side, It's his good job!![]()
Sweating on dnp is not a bad side, It's his good job!![]()
Dnp sides got better, less heat and a better feeling! Still a lot of water but who cares. Uped the dose to 400mg yesterday, still feeling okay
Had a few days "off" and went a few days away with my girl, ate a shit load of pizza and had a great time, sometimes that's needed aswell.
Now back on track! Motivation is a110%
Next week I'll get some bloodwork done and have a look if I'm able to start again!
Dnp is over, last time for me I guess. Maybe I'll give it a chance one more time! Time will tell. Now waiting to get the water off and lets see what it did!
If my bloodwork is okay I'll start with a mini-blast for 4weeks! Than I'll start my prep
Next 4weeks: 1.5ml of lean n mean eod so:
25provi (maybe)
I'll probably start with gh aswell.
Havent been squatting for weeks, because of dnp and a small injury. Started again, strength was bad but i'm going to improve that asap! This time without straps.
Also made some competition plans. Mid october I'll be doing the atlas cup in the netherlands and mid november the iron man in luxembourg!
Had my bloodwork done, everything was as it should be, in 20days so way faster than expected, want to start my prepblast 4weeks earlier to have 4weeks of trying out some things
Thought about:
lean n mean 1ml ed
Primo 6ml ew
And anavar, never had it before!
So that would be:
Test-p 350 ew
Parabolan 350 ew
Mast-p 350 ew
Primo 600 ew
Anavar 50/75mg ed
And wanted to try some tamoxifen as my estrogen blocker, seen it a lot on us boards so wanted to give it a try! 12.5mg eod
Also going to start gh in a few weeks, 2iu ed!
What do you guys think?
Ow and my prep cycle will be:
Week 1-8 (med mutasion)
Test 400-600mg
Eq 600mg
Tren 225mg
Mast 225mg
Primo 600mg
Maybe some proviron and an ai
Hgh 2iu
Week 9-12 (lean xtreme)
Testp 350mg
Trena 350mg
Mastp 350mg
Primo 800-1000mg
Maybe some supertren
Hopefully there'll be halo in stock!
Tamoxifen can strengthen progestogenic activity of tren, so it should not be used with all 19-norT.
Try Clomid or toremifene.
Clomid tijdens een cycle doe ik ook soms. Geeft je free testosteron een duwtje en je merkt het verschil vrij snel. 25 mg/dag is voldoende.
Is niet echt een "Ai" maar doordat je vrije testo verhoogd word heb je minder last van oestrogeen verhogingen.
Dit is heel simpel uitgelegd maar dan snap je al een beetje waarom![]()