Hey guys!
I thought i would start a bit of a log over the coming months and years so I'm able tk track my progress!
A little background, I am 22, I have been lifting from 18. I started out pling until I suffered a back injury from a car crash. So I've been taking it easy. Last year I also smashed my knees at work which left me unable to train legs for the better part of a year. But now I'm injury free, so its time to get stuck in again!
I will be recomping until I get to a better bodyfat level then I will do my best to stay lean while I bulk. I'm hoping to compete once in 2017 just for the experience. I intend on winning my category.
Training split is as follows
Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Back and Bicep
Wednesday - Chest and Tricep
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Arms
Saturday - Chest
Sunday - Day off or cardio
Forearms and calves will be trained eod 3 times a week each
Cardio will be performed every morning and weights at night.
Gear use right now -
900mg Deca
1000mg EQ
100mg Winny ed split am and pm
Test will be getting added back in in the future but for now I am trialing no test and so far I love it.
Diet I am still currently working on, I respond best to higher fat and moderate protein and carb type diets. I'll be working 13 hour days so meal Timing may be a little off what I post.
5am 30 minsFasted cardio
7am Meal 1 - still unsure what to have here, any ideas will be taken on board.
10:30am Meal 2 - 200g beef rissole and 100g greens
2:00pm Meal 3 - 200g beef rissole and 100g greens
5:30pm Meal 4 - 200g beef rissole and 100g greens
7pm Train
8:30pm Meal 5 - 200g beef rissole and 100g greens
Over time the beef will be swapped for chicken as progress stalls.
Currently my stats are as follows
6' tall
14% bodyfat
I admire the 70s and 80s look, almost like a statue.
In the future I will be adding in MTS's medtropin as I have heard some very good things about it.
If I have forgotten anything please dont hesitate to ask or any questions in general.
Also if someone could help me post pictures that would be great!
Thanks for reading