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Thread: NABBA Show contest prep

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by ironmaster View Post

    At 9 weeks out state show 11 weeks to southerns

    meal 1

    1 cup of oat meal
    6 white
    2 whole eggs
    30g fruit

    Meal 2
    tuna sandwich

    meal 3
    200g chicken
    cup of white rice

    meal 4
    170g of fish
    1 cup brown rice

    meal 5
    250g Greek yoghurt
    scoop of whey

    post work out
    50g vitargo

    20mins of cardio post workout

    cycle 9 weeks out

    0.5ml of test 400 and Eq max wk (after two week front load running compounds as the base)
    1ml shredded eod
    0.5ml test p and mt200 eod
    just a mention on the above cycle
    I only have a little bit of eqmax left and t400 this was left over from my mass cycle
    so I thought fuck it and poped another 0.5ml of each to match my previous two week dose

    so from now on I will run 1ml of EQ max and T400 until they run out.
    fuck the idea of front load

    I hate having left over gear so just going to use it up as fast as I can I had 6ml of eq left and 10ml t400 cant hurt

  2. #2
    MTS STAFF - formally MR BIG BIGDADDY's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
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    Send some pics mate.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MR BIG View Post
    Send some pics mate.
    No worries mate.
    will post some up next week as I still got a bit of hair on my body. having legs waxed next week so once I am hairless I will post some up.

    getting my next lot of skin folds done on Monday last week no big numbers dropped 4.4 folds but my diet was really off that week as I was having issues with a stomach bug. so been eating well the last 7 days so on Monday will be good to see where I am at.

    3 weeks ago I was 75 folds and last measurements came in at around 51 so with 8 or so weeks to go for the first show I am half way there. The lady who is prepping me said when she gets her guys to 25 folds they are stage ready. BTW I got no fat burners in yet plus cardio is low so 24 folds over last 3 weeks is very impressive so she says. Said I was a bit of a freak. just hoping it all works out.

    A side not on the tren I am not getting night sweats on my 4 weeks now normaly I would but this time no. Do you find that a bit weird? Other brands of tren the sides would come on quick but I am finding MTS product is producing good results with minimal sides. your thoughts?

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MR BIG View Post
    Send some pics mate.
    With only 7 weeks to go to state show and 9 weeks for southerns I feel like I do not have enough time to do these show and be shreeded.

    I mean at 18 weeks out I was 24% bf on a dexa scan that was 8 weeks ago so even if I was losing say 1% per week last 8 weeks that would still leave me at 15%bf I am having a scan done this week but I guess I am about 15%bf so this cycle has been more of a recomp.

    when I was in my competitive days the most I would go on a dexa in the offseason was 10-12% and would be around 6% 8 weeks out so I know for a fact that I am only half way of where I need to be. at this stage I am going to keep going and bring my bf to 10% as an off season level before I think about getting ready for a show. I have posted some picture for all to see these are after 6 weeks of recomping remember I started at 24% bf

  5. #5
    NABBA Show contest prep-bodybuilding-brad-023-jpgNABBA Show contest prep-bodybuilding-brad-025-jpgNABBA Show contest prep-bodybuilding-brad-022-jpgPhotos after 6 weeks of recomp

  6. #6
    So from now on this is my cycle
    EQ max 1ml per wk
    mt200 1ml eod
    tbol/var mix 2 tabs per day
    t3 50mcg ed
    clen 5on 2off

    frag 176-191 500mcg before bed

    will run this for the next 3 weeks
    then I will be out of mt200 and tbol/var

    don't know what I will do then I still will run the EQmax as I plan to run it for as long as I can got 30ml of it left

    not using test atm because I find test is not good when bf is too high although give it another 3 weeks I will be leaner so putting some test it will help ramp this up provided I stay tight.

  7. #7
    what's your total dosage of tren so far?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a beast View Post
    what's your total dosage of tren so far?
    350mg tren a wk
    3mg tren meth

  9. #9
    I've been on 500+ mg of tren ace for the past 8 weeks and I've had bad night sweats about 3 times so far.

    I would embrace the fact that you aren't getting it

    Never tried Methyl Tren so can't comment on that.

    Keen to see this end result mate everything sounds like it's going according to plan

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Diary of a beast View Post
    I've been on 500+ mg of tren ace for the past 8 weeks and I've had bad night sweats about 3 times so far.

    I would embrace the fact that you aren't getting it

    Never tried Methyl Tren so can't comment on that.

    Keen to see this end result mate everything sounds like it's going according to plan
    thanks mate.

    Like I have said before I hung my posing trunks up 10 years ago after 15 years of competing but always knew I would return with the goal of being the best masters in Australia. I have hired someone to do my diet as the best I could get was r/up at nationals 3 times and was always told by the judges that although my condition was good I needed to still improve in this area. The person I have hired has a very good track record of bring in her guys in their best shape. like I said she goes by skin folds and when you get to 25 folds you are ready. I started at 75 and within 3 weeks I had gone down to 51 going to be taking another measurement on Monday will be 8 weeks out from first show I have been averaging 7 fold a week so she said it will be doable. with MTS products in my corner I belive this will be my best package ever.

    BTW since upping the tren @ 50mg ed got a bad case of sweeting post workout got home had a shower and for about 10mins after shower the sweet was just dripping off me. I plan to increase tren as the weeks go by I don't know what my top end dose will get to depends on progress

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