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Thread: 350 test enth 800 deca/w

  1. #31
    I'll certainly give this a go

    How is everyone on GH15? I miss them all

  2. #32
    We're doing alright. I haven't been as active just due to life. Lots of reading of deca and npp threads as I plan to use it through the fall and winter to really put on size without having too many side effects (tren is making me super pissy on this cut lol).

  3. #33
    Good to know
    For size I'd recommend lower testosterone enth than deca and dbol adrol combo with sufficient AI so you don't get your conditioning fucked up with water retention. Perhaps a little masteron enth or even low dose tren enth.

    My friend who is 6 ft 2 200 lbs 10% bf (yes, he isn't that big yet)will be starting a 26 week bulk blast. It will be something like 300 mg/w test enth, 600-800 mg/w nandrolone deconate and 150-200 mg/w tren enth/w with 3 on 3 off orals which will be 30-50 mg/d dianabol and 50-150 mg/d anadrol. AI will be 25 mg aromasin a day. Calories at 300-500 surplus.

  4. #34
    I was thinking something similar. 600 deca, 300 test, 400 mast, drol 4 weeks on then tren+tne during the four weeks off. Good strength, size, dryness, and conditioning.

  5. #35
    Seems interesting!

    Honestly I'd keep the tren out of it or at a verryyy low dosage when bulking because it ruins your thickness. Add enough just to keep conditioning, strength boost and to keep leaner. I remember there is that thread on GH15 made by someone I THINK called Dr X or something similar where he gives very solid advice for successful bulking where he states the four workhorses for bulking are Test Deca Anadrol and Dianabol. He also said low dosages of masteron can be used to get a bit drier but that is it.

    Although my scale weight has gone up as well as I am stronger and carrying more LBM for sure and have got leaner, I look "smaller" since adding in the tren. Like harder and denser but that thickness and sheer size has diminished. Although I don't care about it as I am a PLer I'd imagine as a BBer bulking it would be crappy!

  6. #36
    You are right drx talks of the four horseman. The tren I was thinking woukd be low dose just to keep training intensity high. Essentially a strong non methylated compounds so around 50/day though I agree. Tren so far I've lost some thickness but added that nice dense mature look. Things aren't as round and full but more sharp and hard. Maybe just tne cycle with drol so I get max growth, don't end up a pin cushion, and keep full. How you liking deca at that dose?
    Last edited by Serotonin101; 04-14-2015 at 02:00 AM.

  7. #37
    Sounds like a good plan

    Yeah the deca at 800 was fantastic, sooooo full and thick it was wonderful and on the AI with the lower test dosage I was dry looking, too!. I lowered it down to 600 due to money and also I wanted to come off the AI because I can only get adex right now and I just don't get along with it so the past 2 weeks I have been bloated to hell and distended holding a lot of water then my nips starting itching a bit so I had to get back on the adex a bit until I can get hold of some Aromasin. Add some aromasin in and it would be absolutely perfect!!

    Lost a bit of thickness and size from going to 800-->600 but I couldn't handle 800 with no AI

  8. #38
    I just fucked up.

    Went to inject 600 mg (2 ml) MTS deca into my glute with a 21 g pin, I didn't aspirate because I was in a rush cooking and pinned. I took the pin out and my ass just started hemorrhaging blood like really flowing out. "Fuck." I thought then right after I started getting short of breath then I went light headed and I sat on the floor coughing and wheezing then I lay down on the floor coughing gasping for air with my vision going black hardly able to breathe. I had this sweet taste in my mouth.

    It got better after about 3 mins but even now (20 mins later) I cannot take a full breath in without coughing.

  9. #39
    why do you use a 21g pin

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Powertard View Post
    I just fucked up.

    Went to inject 600 mg (2 ml) MTS deca into my glute with a 21 g pin, I didn't aspirate because I was in a rush cooking and pinned. I took the pin out and my ass just started hemorrhaging blood like really flowing out. "Fuck." I thought then right after I started getting short of breath then I went light headed and I sat on the floor coughing and wheezing then I lay down on the floor coughing gasping for air with my vision going black hardly able to breathe. I had this sweet taste in my mouth.

    It got better after about 3 mins but even now (20 mins later) I cannot take a full breath in without coughing.
    glad you're ok mate, that's scary. what part of the glute? I've always read that done correctly the probability of hitting a blood line is very low.

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