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Thread: growing with mts road to a future pro

  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmylkw View Post
    oh man, get well soon!
    Thanks mate feel brilliant today all fatigue gone energy is 100 but taken today off to eat up the lost calories fill out and back hard tomorrow going to pick a gym for 3 weeks and keep killing it the rest was absolutely needed woke up starving today again too thanks to eq lol amazing

    Let’s keep growing mts

  2. #82
    incline smith 1x8 160kg 7 drop sets
    decline smith 1x8 160kg 6 drop sets
    close db press 2x10 40kg10-9
    pullover 1x12 50kg
    machine press sitting back 2x-12 66kg
    cable fly on short cable 2x-12 26 on stack
    cable machine full stack 2x12

    Side delt 2x12 28kg 12

    rear delt machine 2x12 100kg 12

    front delt db 2x12 12kg

    good session strength still there chucked in bicep forearm but didn’t write it down good workout the drop sets after pressing is great really intense 1 all out set with that is enough fried after it hopefully next few week build it up now that things are back moving nicely hunger is up

    Gym is packed crappy puregym but will do for 3 weeks until the gym opens again and it will be very good with new equipment

  3. #83
    lying hamstring curl 2x12
    seated hamstring 2x6412 86kg10
    standing hamstring 2x12 5912-10
    stiff leg barbell 2x15 100kg
    lying leg curl 2x10 77kg
    1 leg lying curl 2x10 32kg

    Abductor 2x10 100kg 10
    Adductor 2x12 100kg 12

    calves standing hack 3x15 185

    good solid workout still feel it hours after limited on equipment but went in to do quad leg press broken so just did a full hamstring workout was good quick low rest they where pumped not going heavy on stiff leg as I want it all in my hamstring so need to leave the ego at the door as when I add weight I then use my back to drive the weight taken all stress of my hamstrings

    Weight today 272lbs but feel better for it but goal is to hit that 280 but not rush it on with water and messing digestion from to much food eating more than enough will let my body grow there without forcing it

  4. #84
    rope pull full stack 2x15
    barbell row 2x12 180kg 12 200kg8
    t bar row 2x10 120kg 12-12
    pulldown cable added 2x8-10 86kg12
    pulldown cable added behind 2x10 73kg
    seated row 1 arm side way 2x10 32kg 15 40kg12
    seated row close grip 2x15 100kg15
    hypers 2x15
    cable pullover 2x20 50kg
    cable seated high row middle back 2x15 91kg15

    Behind 2x12 150kg
    Front 2x12 150kg

    Dumbbell shrug back 2x20 50kg
    Cable shrug 2x15 full stack
    Cable squeeze 2x15 50kg

    rope pushdown 3x15 50kg
    v bar pushdown 2x15 61kg
    skull crusher cable 2x12
    Behind the head cable 2x10
    pushdown machine full stack 10
    skull dumbbell 12kg 2x12

    Good workout crazy pump low rest on triceps

    But then came the extreme cramps took taurine tonic water coconut water magnesium and salt on food potassium pink pre workout and 3litre of water so hydrated and still no help I think it’s just the water retention bodyweight causing it but now will for sure add cream of tarter for potassium

    275 today still want to hit 280lbs before the gym opens back up then hold it once comfortable push again
    Last edited by DarrenW29; 08-05-2021 at 05:08 PM.

  5. #85
    Holyshit Darren, that are some heavy barbell rows!!

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick123 View Post
    Holyshit Darren, that are some heavy barbell rows!!
    It’s okay mate most I did was 240kg but crap form lol this is no leg drive all in the lats

    going for a pr tomorrow will see how it goes for shoulders chest feeding up today and ready for it

  7. #87
    smith press 1x4-8 160kg 3 140kg 4 120kg 7
    Behind smith press 8-10 1x90kg 7
    machine plated press 2x10 130kg 8
    dumbbell rear delt hand twist 2x15 30kg
    cable rear delt bent over 2x12 18kg
    side raise cable 2x12 14 on stack 12
    side raise dumbbell 2x10 24kg 12
    upright row bar 2x15 45kg 12
    Front raise dumbbell 2x10 24kg

    wasn’t a great session failed the 160 shoulder press as want 6 reps next time I won’t attempt it going to build up with 140 up to 150 and slowly get there plus felt flat even though weights up just didn’t feel this session didn’t do chest either but always next week new fresh week

    Gym still has no dam leg press it’s a joke but not long until the gyms open and can still kill hamstrings
    Last edited by DarrenW29; 08-07-2021 at 07:41 PM.

  8. #88
    smith hack squat 2x12 180kg 220kg 12
    leg curl 2x15
    1 leg curl 3x20
    1 leg press machine 2x15
    wide 2x15

    hamstring standing
    2x15 59kg
    lying hamstring 2x15 77kg full stack

    Hack 4x15
    machine 3x12

    Great session quads were fried sore now 2 week not done them and this volume was plenty didn’t count the machines weight but this workout was very good low volume hamstring as I will hit them again this week

  9. #89
    incline smith 1x8 170kg 5 140kg8 120kg 8
    decline smith 2x8 120kg
    machine plate 1x8 200kg
    close db press 2x10 30kg
    machine press sitting back 2x-12 73kg13 86kg 11
    cable fly on short cable 2x-12 26 on stack
    cable seated flat fly 2x10 8 on stack
    Cable upright fly 2x12 5 on stack
    dips 1x12 cramping

    Side delt 3x15 20kg 15

    rear delt machine 3x15 100kg

    front delt rope 3x12 41kg

    bar shrug smith reverse 3x15 80kg15 <light
    cable shrug 3x15 91 on stack
    cable squeeze 3x20 50kg
    dumbbell shrug 2x15 50kg

    good overall workout happy with the incline not my peak strength and reps but it’s going up good dropped a little as digestion is a bit off not going to weight but go purely by mirror

  10. #90
    Bicep tricep forearm
    rope pushdown 3x15 54kg 15
    v bar pushdown 2x15 full stack light
    skull crusher into close grip 2x12 40kg
    1 arm cable 3x10 2x18kg 12 23kg 12
    Behind head 3x8 23kg

    bicep curl easy bar 3x20 20kg
    Cable arm curl 3x10 18kg
    preacher curl 3x12 36 12
    hammer curl dumbbell 2x10 30kg12
    hammer rope high 3x15 50kg
    concentration curl 2x12 22kg 26kg 8

    Cable curl behind 2x12
    cable curl 2x12 64kg
    dumbbell reverse curl 3x15 14kg 15

    Good overall session great pump felt like going bit lighter on bicep curl really contract will probably keep it like this for curls ate then slept post workout not forcing the food just letting my body digest but meals are big meals over smaller prefer 4 big feedings just now

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