Hi guys,
As per my posts in the newbie forum you can see I have a lot to offer and now after a 10 year lay off from competing (yes I said competing not training as I will never stop that) I would like to keep you guys up to date on my come back to the stage. Now I will not post pics of what I look like now but what I will say is my bw never goes below 93kg no matter what I do. The only this is the compostion of that weight. Meaning ratio of muscle to fat. Now that I am back training my starting stats look like this

BW 93kg
BF 15-18% but only a guess
Height 168cm

What I plan to do over the next 12 weeks is slowly re-comp my body and hope to hit around 90kg sub 10%bf then from their will start to really bring it all together I am to compete at 88kg so once I have re-comped I will add back weight and try for about 100kg then dial back down to 88 I plan on getting dexa scan and will post results but for now I will let mirror be my guide.

Not going to go to hard for now as a lot of my mass will come back through muscle memory so I am just training 3-4 days per week on a upper lower body split

Diet wise same thing just clean it up and make an effort to get a minimum 200g protein a day in.

Here is what I am on now and I started back training and cycling 1/06/2015 I will post in this thread once a week and answer any questions you guys want to ask me plus once I get into it I will post up some old pics of some of my past shows and when I start to take shape again will post progress pics of how I am doing.

cycle out play out with comments
week 1
500mg test e
start with low dose test to get thing moving good first week can feel some fullness coming back

week 2
500mg test e
Again more fullness but notice most of all that sex drive has gone up

week 3
500mg test e
25mcg t3
strength is most noticeable in week 3 weights are feeling a little easier to lift and I added small dose of t3 this week to help with re-comp plus at age 41 I feel some t3 couldn't hurt.

Will post next week and let you know how it is all panning out.
Got my hgh today Thanks MTS you guys rock. I will be added this to the stack next week

Until next week all the best and if you have any question you would like me to answer feel free I will keep it real none of this bro shit
